Why Choose CSA

The Farm Share program -- also known as Community Support Agriculture (CSA) -- is an essential part of our farm. 

In addition to a share of the harvest, you'll receive an email update from the farm weekly including information about that week's share, what's upcoming, how to store the produce and recipes for how to use your share.
Your commitment to the farm goes beyond food. You are supporting a sustainable food system by building three pillars of sustainability: economic, social and environmental. 
  • Economic sustainability means that with your farm share, you're directly supporting family farmers. Unlike purchasing at grocery stores, every dollar you spend with us goes directly into our work. For produce we're unable to grow, we purchase directly from other local, family farmers who produce the food with integrity. We employ a farm crew each season who aspire to become more active participants within our local food system. 
  • Social sustainability means that with your support, we're working together to build a community that values honest food. We strive to connect you with local sustainable agriculture and midwest farmers in our local food community who share our passion for preserving the ecosystem that nourishes our food. 
  • Environmental sustainability means that your membership allows us to farm "beyond organic." We continue new farming experiments to minimize our tillage and soil disruptions and enable microbial life to thrive beneath the soil's surface. We built a food forest to add perennial diversity into the farm and educate others in the process. Every season, we strive to give more to the earth than we take, allowing our soils to rebuild and grow healthier, more nutritious food in the future. Through these projects, we aim to improve the carbon holding capacity of our soil and produce a better environment while continuing to produce nutritious and delicious food.

Together, we share in the risks of planting a seed and the rewards of a bountiful harvest. Your support matters!